A Time for Creative Transformation

Given the huge challenges in the industry, the highest number of layoffs in this century, what advice can you give candidates?

Be flexible re: hourly rate, try out, starting out from home, leaving your own comfort zone and changing gears, changing location to move elsewhere, take on-line courses in digital, and don't skip meditating to keep your blood pressure down.

Continue to network and reconnect with people during this time.  Share ideas, possibly take on projects. Everyone is going through this difficult period, so many people are also likely to be more open to connect.

If you are fortunate enough to hold out financially for several months, try to let go of any plans you have previously made. This could be a time to actually do nothing, to feel free from work pressure and job seeking.  It’s not going to work if you continue as usual, because nothing is going to be the same anymore. Take the time to breathe and think and reflect. It’s amazing what happens if you are able to let go of your daily routine and create a new existence. Go back to painting, drawing, writing, playing music, etc. A whole new horizon will open up.

If you must work to pay the bills, I would focus on online freelance gigs. There are still plenty of openings, just not for the same jobs you used to look for. Change gears and don’t be choosey. Availability of work will depend on the type of work that you are looking for

What would you advise clients to do now that it feels like the roof caved in.

Instead of understanding our clients’ hiring needs, we become our clients’ advisors and consultants of who the best creative thinkers are to help their company or brand transform to a new and different reality. 

We are in the middle of a shock wave. After shock, comes adjustment and then reinventing who you are and what you stand for as a company or brand. A new vision will come.  Those companies that continue to do business as usual will be the ones to lose.

While most companies have put a hold on hiring, we find that there are still companies that continue to hire talent. One of our clients has hired several candidates just this week. Instead of deciding on a physical starting date, candidates now begin their job online. We have recently closed searches based in Asia, Europe and the US all during the Covid19 time.

There is a need for technical experience as brands must now rely more on their online business. In the future, there will be different opportunities with a focus on creative thinking. There will be more than ever a need for wildly creative people that want to make this world a better place that have a myriad of ideas to make that happen. Companies are desperate for creative catalysts and disruptors who lead with a new creative vision.  

This recession came quite quickly and impacted in a very different way from other crises.  It is more warlike. This will lead companies to think differently on what the future of work looks like and how their businesses will operate moving forward.  Example: what will meaningful retail mean and not just endless stores? Heightened store experiences where people can engage. Ever greater emphasis on digital, however how do you protect your logistics - look at YNAP, etc. as examples.
There are some companies/industries that are hiring now (areas of necessity such as food, logistics, education, DIY, toys, etc). 

We also believe that brands that have upheld their values in challenging times and continue to contribute to society will survive this crisis.  Look at the positive reaction to Chanel and Hermes when they took an early stance not to tap into government funds so that smaller businesses without financial access can use it to sustain their businesses.  This corporate responsibility and leadership sets the tone for not just how consumers will favorably view the brand but it will build lasting loyalty and pride for current and future employees.  Talent attraction and retention at its finest.

Are there industries that you see will continue to hire talent?  Now and in the future?

Our clients continue to seek out leaders who are innovative and nimble. Individuals with the perseverance and ability to overcome a crisis.
In terms of industries CPG, Necessity, Health businesses continue to hire.  Digital continues to be a major focus.

We see a surge in companies that move toward a New Green economy, a return of crafts and local goods, home/office lifestyle business and recyclable and combustible goods and products, outdoor life, technology/sports, healthy lifestyle brands and high quality bespoke products and services.

How do you see the role of design now during the Pandemic and when things are back to the new normal?

We don't really see a new role in design, but a better understanding by leadership of the importance and power of design thinking that is applied to every and any industry and profession. The level of creativity is heightened by the urgency to solve problems during this pandemic.  People are magical when it comes to finding solutions in the most creative ways, and it all starts with Design Thinking. 

During this time, we also believe it is more important than ever that brands build an authentic relationship with their customers.  The ability for design to work in partnership with the business to connect and touch the consumer will highlight the leaders in their respective industries.  Your audience will remember how you made them feel (visuals, actions, words) especially in this challenging time, as this is the moment when your brand values should shine.

While we see many people feeling isolated and lost without a purpose which is totally understandable, we also see people who are experiencing a heightened sense of energy and creativity. They are involved in new projects, express themselves via art, dance, theater, music, etc. They are inventing and creating new things and express themselves in unexpected and beautiful ways. 

Author: Damian Chiam | COO Janou LLC